
MUST WATCH: Franky Morales - Fall 2013 USD Promo

How is it possible that USD rider Franky Morales keeps creating better and better edits? Check his latest USD Fall 2013 promo, and see for yourself. There is no stopping Franklin Dubbs on his skates.

Filmed and edited by: Erick Rodriguez - 9to5DigiMedia.com

IN STOCK NOW: USD Carbon 3 Franky Morales 2 skates

Custom set ups - contact 661-323-6293 or intuitionskateshop@hotmail.com - and always get the best deal.

Stay Connected: USD-Skate.com - USD on Facebook - USD on Instagram

1 comment
- Leandro Ghanush

Gostaria de comprar um pró modelo desses só que o carbon 2 não sei onde mais procurar, vocês podem me ajudar? Obrigado!

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